The Rise of Kamala Harris Amidst Biden's Exit: A Political Milestone

Following President Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 race, Vice President Kamala Harris has become the Democratic frontrunner. This has sparked diverse opinions on her readiness and impact.

Published July 23, 2024 - 00:07am

5 minutes read
United States

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The summer of 2024 has been marked with remarkable political shifts in the United States. A month following a catastrophic debate performance by President Joe Biden and in the wake of the shooting of his rival on national television, Biden has officially withdrawn from the Democratic nomination race. His written statement posted on X indicated his intention to focus on fulfilling his duties as President for the remainder of his term, while simultaneously endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor.

The unanticipated announcement created a whirlwind of reactions from both the Democratic and Republican camps. Biden's decision to step down was welcomed with mixed feelings within his party, specifically as Biden's live presence has been noticeably absent, with his communication limited to social media.

Vice President Kamala Harris swiftly took the lead in the race, with Democrats endorsing her candidacy. High-profile endorsements have come from various corners, including running mate hopefuls such as Gov. Andy Beshear and Sen. Mark Kelly, whereas former President Barack Obama notably refrained from an outright endorsement. Simultaneously, Sen. Joe Manchin has called for a contested convention, casting doubts over a smooth path for Harris within the Democratic ticket.

Promptly after Biden's announcement, Harris embarked on a trip to Wilmington to meet with campaign staff at the newly reorganized Harris for President campaign headquarters. In what was described as a historic first full day of her campaign, Harris addressed her campaign staff, infusing them with optimism and promising a relentless campaign.

Biden's endorsement of Harris appears contradictory given reports suggesting he harbored doubts about Harris's potential to win the election. Additionally, Biden's recent bout with COVID-19 has added layers of complexity to the ongoing political drama, with Biden making rare appearances and even sounding frail and exhausted during his latest phone call to Harris's campaign headquarters.

The Republican viewpoint is diverse. While Kamala Harris's candidacy is seen as an opportunity to break away from Biden's 'senility' narrative, concerns linger about her ability to defend Biden's controversial policies on both foreign and domestic fronts. Harris will face a barrage of questions regarding her knowledge and stance on Biden's health, decision-making processes, and the implementation of key policies.

Much of Harris' historical political journey is coming back under a microscope. Her role as California's District Attorney and later as the state's Attorney General harbors a mixed record. Harris's tenure was marked by significant controversies, including her stringent measures on crime - such as the infamous truancy initiative that criminalized parents for their kids' chronic absenteeism, her advocacy for Prop 47 viewed as a disguised measure with severe implications for crime rates in California, and her aggressive stance on anti-gun policies.

Reports recount various criticisms pointing to her aggressive incarceration rates among minority communities and her utilization of prisoners for labor beyond their sentences. While these aspects of her record pose challenges, Harris's role as Attorney General also shows a history of initiative-driven policies like the Back on Track program aimed at reducing recidivism, actions in support of criminal justice reform, and the significant step of implementing police body cameras statewide, albeit non-mandatory for all.

As she steps on the national stage, Harris is bound to highlight her prosecutorial record as a tool to juxtapose herself against Donald Trump, especially considering Trump's conviction and legal woes. Endorsements from figures such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren and activists like Mini Timmaraju emphasize her experience in dealing with convicted individuals and taking tough stances, portraying Harris as a counterbalance to Trump's controversial past.

California, Harris's political forging ground, holds divergent views on her as a prospective president. Critics argue that her career was bolstered by political favors and associations with influential figures like former Speaker Willie Brown. These connections were instrumental in advancing her early career but also cast shadows of cronyism and preferential treatment.

More contentious aspects include her policies on immigration and energy. Harris's strong environmental positions, seen through her opposition to liquid natural gas terminals, and her stance on decriminalizing illegal immigration, spell challenges in swing states like Pennsylvania and other regions with heavy energy dependencies. Moreover, her comments and actions following border patrol incidents evoke sensitive debates about race and law enforcement.

Harris's relationship with Planned Parenthood and her actions against pro-life journalists exhibit her unwavering commitment to reproductive rights. This is a divisive issue that amplifies the stark contrasts between her and conservative perspectives, making it a pivot point for voters on both sides.

As the Democratic frontrunner, Harris's history and policy preferences shape arguments from both her supporters and detractors, indicating a complex and contentious campaign landscape ahead. The upcoming months leading to the national convention and the general election will be crucial in defining how Harris's political narratives are constructed and received. Harris's ascent to the top of the Democratic ticket, backed by a strategic campaign, a hefty war chest, and her personal determination, sets the stage for an electrifying electoral battle against Donald Trump.


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