Justice Department Charges Couple for Russian Connections

The U.S. Justice Department files indictments against Dimitri and Anastasia Simes for allegedly violating sanctions related to Russian media and oligarch ties.

Published September 06, 2024 - 00:09am

4 minutes read
United States
Russian Federation

Image recovered from arabnews.com

The U.S. Justice Department has charged Dimitri Simes, a Russian-born U.S. citizen and former adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, and his wife, Anastasia Simes, with violating U.S. sanctions and laundering funds. The charges pertain to their work with Russia's Channel One, a state-controlled broadcaster sanctioned by the U.S. in 2022, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Indictments released on Thursday outline that the Simes couple received over $1 million, a personal car and driver, and a stipend for an apartment in Moscow since June 2022, in exchange for their services to Channel One Russia. Anastasia Simes faces additional allegations for assisting sanctioned Russian businessman Alexander Udodov by purchasing antiques and art in the U.S. and Europe, later forwarding these items to Russia.

U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves emphasized that the actions of the Simes couple jeopardized national security. These defendants allegedly violated sanctions in response to Russia's illegal aggression in Ukraine, said Graves, underscoring the severity of the charges and the potential damage to U.S. interests. Despite these accusations, the couple has not been detained and are believed to be currently residing in Russia.

This case is part of a broader crackdown on Russian influence operations by the Justice Department. Recently, federal authorities indicted two employees of Russia Today for covertly funding a Tennessee-based company that produced pro-Russian content. This highlights the increasing concerns over Russian meddling in U.S. affairs, particularly after significant interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Dimitri Simes, who was prominently featured in the Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, maintains his innocence, arguing that his comments on Russian television were merely expressions of opinion. He has criticized the indictments as politically motivated. In conversations with various media outlets, Simes contended that these charges are attempts by the Biden administration to penalize him for his pro-Russian stances.

If you think this is a law-abiding administration [it] would be shocking, but no, I am not terribly surprised, Simes remarked, condemning the Justice Department's actions as lacking dignity. He further accused Garland and others in the Department of Justice of trying to silence dissenting voices. His wife, Anastasia, has similarly refuted the charges, asserting she was unaware of sanctions against Udodov at the time of her transactions.

Simes has expressed a willingness to testify against Biden administration officials, whom he accuses of betraying U.S. interests and pushing the world toward another large-scale war. The former head of the Center for the National Interest, Dimitri Simes has a long history of advocating for realism in U.S. foreign policy, a stance that has repeatedly brought him into the spotlight.

The Justice Department's focus extends beyond just Simes. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco indicated that the broader campaign against Russian disinformation networks involves various elements that utilize American entities to push pro-Kremlin messaging. This effort to safeguard national elections and information security reflects heightened vigilance within federal investigative bodies against foreign influences.

As these legal battles unfold, the Simes couple remains defiant, mirroring a complex and contentious chapter in the ongoing saga of U.S.-Russia relations. With far-reaching implications, the court cases against Dimitri and Anastasia Simes could become pivotal in shaping the narrative around sanctions enforcement, media freedom, and geopolitical confrontation.

The unfolding judicial proceedings, set against the backdrop of strained U.S.-Russia relations, underscore the broader implications of this case. As U.S. authorities tighten the noose around individuals and entities violating sanctions, the charges against the Simes couple serve as a stern warning to those involved with sanctioned foreign entities.


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