Modi's Third Term: An Altered Indian Political Horizon?

Facing the need for coalition support after a muted election performance, Prime Minister Narendra Modi prepares for a third term. How will this shape India's future?

Published June 06, 2024 - 00:06am

5 minutes read

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Indian Prime Master Narendra Modi is poised to be sworn in for a record-equalling third consecutive term following the recent general elections. Evidencing a turning point in his career, Modi, who has been at the helm of Indian politics since 2014, now confronts a weakened mandate that necessitates coalition consensus to govern effectively.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), under Modi's leadership, has seen its position in parliament attenuated, claiming 240 seats - a decrease from the 303-seat triumph in 2019. This dramatic shift from having an absolute majority to relying on the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) reflects a possibly significant reorientation in Indian policy-making.

Critics and allies alike anticipate changes that could slow India's fiscal tightening and necessitate negotiations on the government's ambitious reforms. Yet, steadfast loyalists, such as the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and Janata Dal (United), have reaffirmed their allegiance, signaling continuity amidst the kaleidoscope of change.

Despite these challenges, experts such as Arvind Panagariya express optimism, suggesting the possibility for sustained growth and reforms, albeit at a potentially moderated pace. Political observers highlight that the NDA's 293-seat victory still crosses the parliamentary majority threshold, but the reduced margin amplifies the significance of coalition partners.

Undeterred by the election's outcome, Modi has made bold pledges to uplift India's rank to the world's third-largest economy, advance defense production, boost youth employment, and support the agrarian sector. Even amid the altered political landscape, many expect his Hindu nationalist policies to remain entrenched.

International reactions have been observant, with an emphasis on India's strategic alliances. Statements from experts emphasize that India's relations with global powers like Russia remain unshaken, asserting New Delhi's steadfast commitment to its foreign policy objectives.

The election has arguably delivered a complex verdict – a testament to the vigor of the Indian electorate and a signal for possible recalibrations in governance style. Modi's governance thus far has been marked by bold initiatives and centralization, yet now the exigencies of a coalition might shape a more collegial approach, presenting an emblematic test of his political craft in the years ahead.

The political terrain Narendra Modi navigates has undoubtedly transformed since his initial ascent to power. The electoral outcome suggests a nation wrestling with its priorities, one where economic growth, national security, and social issues clamor for balanced attention. The BJP's curtailed majority is reflective of an electorate sending mixed signals, expecting tangible outcomes from lofty promises.

The implications of the BJP's reduced majority are far-reaching, touching on the very texture of India's domestic policies. Modi, once unencumbered by coalition constraints, may now have to moderate his approach to address the concerns of his partners. This could impact various sectors, including agriculture, where the BJP will need to carefully navigate farmer discontent, and industry, where ease of doing business remains a central promise.

Fiscal policies may see recalibration as Modi aims to strike a delicate balance between maintaining fiscal discipline and funding populist measures to satisfy diverse constituency needs. The potential relaxation of fiscal targets could usher in more government spending to boost consumption and combat economic slowdown, which could play well among the electorate yet raise eyebrows among investors and markets concerned with fiscal prudence.

Furthermore, the BJP's stance on social issues, notably citizenship and secularism, is poised to undergo scrutiny as coalition partners assert their influence. The contours of these debates are likely to shape the societal fabric of the nation, raising pivotal questions about the inclusive vision of India's future.

In a global context, Modi's foreign policy moves will be closely watched. India's maneuvering within the complex geopolitical climate, especially with reference to the standoff with China, trade relations with the United States, and historical ties with Russia, could redefine its stature on the international stage. The emphasis on self-reliance, especially in technology and defense sectors, may garner greater focus as India navigates its path towards becoming an influential player in regional and global arenas.

Modi's tenure has also been characterized by a push towards digitization and modern infrastructure, initiatives expected to continue but with potentially divergent strategies that ensure coalition support. The charismatic leadership style of Modi, combined with his government's push toward 'Digital India', 'Make in India', and other such programs, must now be calibrated with the nuanced expectations of alliance partners, which potentially includes a greater focus on state-specific agendas within these national schemes.

The changes could signify a shift towards a governance model that, while still under Modi's decisive leadership, reflects a broader, more inclusive consultation process within the halls of power. Tracing the evolutions of this new political chapter, journalists, academics, and citizens alike await to see how Modi's manifesto will adapt to the directives of a diverse coalition, all while keeping an eye on the global economic landscape and internal social dynamics that affect India's path forward.

As Modi enters this latest term, the tasks before him are complex and multifacellular: to sustain economic dynamism, preserve national unity in a diverse society, and craft a regional and global role for India that corresponds with its rising status. The world watches to gauge whether Modi's brand of leadership, coupled with India's robust democratic frameworks, will navigate these crosscurrents successfully in the coming years.


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